Never A Heartbeat Away: A Buddy that Embraces Us

 The core of Gen Z's world is music. 

According to forecasts, 16 to 24 years olds will consume an average of 3,7 hours and 48 minutes more of audio content each day globally than they will of online and streaming TV (WARC, 2022). 

It is noted that Gen Z is obssesed with music because it is entertaining, it reflects and validates their experiences, it helps them define who they are, and it fosters social connections. Songs with strong messages are especially appealing to younger listeners. 

All of this leads to one obvious conclusion: Gen Zs prefer music that most accurately captures their thoughts, feelings, and emotions. 

In light of the data, I also agree with the fact that Gen Zs prefer songs that reflect what they are feeling or going through. If you notice the renowned singers-songwriters, like Taylor Swift, Olivia Rodrigo, Ed Sheeran, Adele, Billie Eilish, to Ariana Grande, most of them write songs about their own story and their inner thought are poured down, their emotions are described, which enabling listeners to connect and even relate to the songs. 

A Friend that is Never A Heartbeat Away: The POV of Mine

I think for a significant portion of the population, music serves as more than just background noise in their daily life. It acts as a soundtrack to life, reassuring our feelings and is a guide as well as company through the challenges of growing up in a world that is changing quickly. It is proven on the survey from my previous article, although not all of the participants are in the same group of preferences. 

As I have mentioned earlier, I am not an open up person. For people like me, being noticed and heard by music means a whole world. That's why, in my opinion, songs have the power to capture feelings and experiences in a manner that words alone are unable to. They provide us a feeling of affirmation, which helps us feel less alone and more understood in our setbacks and achievements. 

So, as portrayed from the survey, even though everyone has different tastes, we can agree that music is universally appealing because it expresses feelings and experiences that are deeply ingrained in each of us. Music continues to be a beloved friend and a potent tool for self-expression for those of us who strive to find comfort and understanding in a dynamic environment. 

I also create shorter version of this blog on my social media, Threads. Feel free to access it here: Never A Heartbeat Away: A Buddy that Embraces Us

All the pictures belong to Pinterest and Microsoft Bing. Thank you, you two. 

Let me know your ultimate favorite below! See you whenever the universe allows. 


WARC. (2022, October 11). What you can learn about Gen Z from their listening habits. WARC.


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